The alarm clock murmurs, and you open your eyes. The world awakens slowly, and so do you. Slipping out of bed, savoring the slowness of the first rays of light. Why rush into the hustle when the dawn is so gentle? Let’s not hurry things; the frenzy will have its time to arrive. Let’s take our time. The most beautiful thing we can give ourselves, the only gift that makes sense.
A moment for yourself, first, before dedicating yourself to others.
Whether it's with a steaming cup or a fresh juice, take the time to feel yourself. No to-do list, no tidying up, no panic. Just yourself and that first sip that gently wakes up your body.
Close your eyes, go within, or marvel at the view from the window.
Say hello to yourself, thank yourself, ask yourself what you need today to have a beautiful day. Maybe you need to stretch, take a walk, sit down, or think.
Every passing day is a gift, even the one soaked in tears. One day, the sun will no longer rise, or it will rise without us. Let’s take the time to welcome it each morning with gratitude. There’s no need to start at full speed to be productive. What matters is being intentional. So, what’s the plan for today? The one we want may not be the one we get, but we can always steal a bit of choice, even in the storm. We must make ourselves a priority every day, or else we forget ourselves.
A little fresh water on the skin, a bit of cream on the temples. The reflection in the mirror will not be the same tomorrow. Not more beautiful or less so, it will accompany you every day. Take the time to see yourself, to contemplate yourself. This smile, this beauty mark, this little dimple, right there, that knows how to welcome joy. You are meant to last, to exist, to live fully, not to endlessly string together days packed to the brim.
We forget, by constantly looking at our watches and scrolling through images on our phones, that life is a matter of seconds. None of them are owed to us, and yet they all matter. They have the power to sweep us away in their wild dance and slip away quickly, but we can also slow them down, contemplate them, and give them to ourselves intentionally.
The first moments of the morning are a step not to be skipped. The laughing chaos, the clever surprises, and the ingrained routines can wait a little longer. The silence must last a few minutes so we can fully know ourselves as alive, as women, as strong, gentle, and present.
Taking care of yourself in the early hours is giving yourself the means to take care of others later. Without recognizing your own needs, how can you help your loved ones fulfill theirs?
So, those first moments, savor them, enjoy them, and give them all the space they deserve.
That is to say, the first, just like you.